"That is the name later Indians gave the lake, a name almost as recent as the word "Everglades." It means "Big Water." Everybody knows it." (Douglas 107)
Douglas is saying in this sentence that everyone knew that Lake Okeechobee really meant "Big Water." Well I didn't know this actually so I would say that not everyone knows this. I hope I'm not the only one who didn't know this but I would like to guess that there's others out there in my position. This sentence really stood out to me because it was so well assumed that everyone knew this information about the great Lake Okeechobee. Honestly I would also like to point out that I didn't know that the Indians gave the lake it's name. After I read this sentence I was happy that I got to know a little fact about this popular lake.
"It reaches one hundred miles from Lake Okeechobee to the Gulf of Mexico, fifty, sixty, even seventy miles wide." (Douglas 108)
This sentence definitely stood out to me and after reading this sentence I thought wow! I never knew it stretched out that far. I guess I never really learned about this lake and I'm realizing that this is very huge and magnificent. Their saying the lake is maybe even seventy miles wide. Now that's just ridiculous. After learning how big this lake is, this sentence makes me want to go and see this lake for myself since I never have before.
"Here the rain falls more powerfully and logically than anywhere else upon the temperate mainland of the United States."
I find this so amazing! The fact that rain hits the Everglades harder then anywhere else in the United States is just so cool to me. I know that the Everglades only gets it's water from the rain so this sentence makes a lot of sense now. Now this sentence has me wondering how much rainfall does the Everglades really get each year. This sentences stood out to me because it is really cool to know now where exactly rain falls the hardest here in the U.S. I think it's great too that the Everglades gets it's water only from the rain and not other places where water might be polluted and such.
"Life on the Rock section" (Douglas 134-149)
This whole section about plants and animals who live out in the Everglades was the most interesting to me, because I love animals and I am fascinated by the different plants that exist. Learning about the different kinds of animals that live out there were really cool to read about. There were rattlesnakes, woodpeckers, alligators (of course), mockingbirds, deer, red and yellow grasshoppers with heads shaped like horses, and a lot more. Those grasshoppers got to me because I never knew there was such a thing. Only in the Everglades I guess! The plants that I read about sounded beautiful as described in the book and there were a ton of different plants. I loved this section because it taught me the different and most remarkable life that lives out in the Everglades.
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