This is just unbelievable and ridiculous. I understand that we need to get bugs and unwanted plants out of our way, but exposing a lot of these chemicals out in the atmosphere is really bad. I don't want insects in my place either because I hate bugs and rodents. How about just killing them with your shoes or smacking them with a swatter? Whatever happened to this solution. It's way better then spraying a bunch of chemicals out in the atmosphere and killing our world slowly. I understand that it's a convenience but what the more important fact is that we need to start putting the environment first for a change.
"The most alarming of all man's assaults upon the environment is the contamination of air, earth, rivers, and sea with dangerous and even lethal materials." (Carson 153)
Even though we don't want to blame ourselves for the pollution that we brought on this earth, we need to start taking account for it. Polluting the seas, rivers, air, and every other place on earth is terrible. We need to stop being lazy and dumping all of our problems into the waters and the air. In the long run we still use this stuff because it's necessary to breathe and drink water. So we are really messing up ourselves at the end of the day. We need to stop the pollution and start realizing how bad it's getting and put an end to it.
"The rapidity of change and the speed with which new situations are created follow the impetuous and heedless pace of man rather than the deliberate pace of nature." (Carson 154)
I don't necessarily think that putting ourselves first to get where we need to be and then taking nature second and taking care of it is a bad thing. I believe that we are more important. Nature is very important though too but if I had to chose I would chose man over nature. We are changing things at a fast pace around us and building empires everywhere we go but that's so we have better lives. We are constantly changing but it's for the better I believe.
"Insects came into conflict with human welfare in two ways: as competitors for the food supply and as carriers of human disease." (Carson 157)
This is where I draw the line. I know chemicals are terrible to expose but if these insects are bringing some diseases that can kill us then it's time for them to be sprayed. I don't want insects around that carry these harmful diseases. This is why we came up with the chemicals to kill them. I still think that we should come up with something different then a harmful pollutant but if it gets the job done then no complaints from me. Some of these insects can steal our food too? I didn't know this but if they do then these animals need to be gone for good.
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